I have found a new passion. Alcohol Inks! I will admit that this is not exactly a new passion but rather a new appreciation for an old friend. Late last year I discovered some artists that were taking these inks and creating paintings that range from abstract to representational. In the past, I had always used these inks to add color to non-porous surfaces like metal, plastic and glass but it was really limited to adding mottled colors with no control. My art cohort, Carmen, sent me a link for a class being held at the art retreat Art &

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Most people do not associate photography with any of the senses but sight (unless of course you have a condition known as synaesthesia). But there is "looking" and then there is "seeing". You just need to be open to the possibility. The photos below by CSA artists, Maggie Hogan and Carmen Duran have that affect on me. [caption id="attachment_1974" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Original photography by Maggie Hogan[/caption] When I first saw this photo by Maggie, I had to look twice because I swore the colors were moving. I even checked with my son and he saw the same thing. When you take your time

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Time for catching up. At the beginning of the year when I started the 2015 CSA program, the plan was that each artist had their own week to show their work for each month and I would post it on the blog on Saturday. Well, if you have been following the blog posts, you have noticed that recently my well thought out plan is just not been happening. Hold on to your seat because this post is going to transport you from March to April in the time it takes you to read to the end. Here is the fourth art

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I'm sure you have often heard the idiom, "the devil is in the details". But what does the devil have to do with it? According to Wikipedia, the phrase refers to a catch or mysterious element hidden in the details, and derives from the earlier phrase "God is in the detail" expressing the idea that whatever one does should be done thoroughly; i.e. details are important. When it comes to art, no matter what the discipline, it is the details that drive the artist to create. As an artist, bringing details of sight, sound, emotions, etc. from our being is what we

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