I have to say that one of the things I enjoy more than anything, is experimenting with new art techniques. When I first started with the Artist's Way group I found on Meetup.com, I really did it to focus on becoming more productive with all the different art mediums I already enjoyed. Little did I know, but this group has also given me opportunities to explore other areas of art. One of the "rules" of the group is that we schedule open studios to allow us to experiment with other creative outlets. Our most recent

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Yesterday I got results from some blood tests that I had done earlier in the week and found out that my glucose level was consistent with prediabetes. I will admit that I had my suspicions that this was a possibility but actually having it confirmed by test results really hit me hard. To help me absorb what this would mean to my life, I spent my evening working on doing some image transfers using a new technique (at least new to me). It was the last part of my ATC workshop assignment for this week and by

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I have really been enjoying working through the Artist Trading Card Workshop book with my fellow artists at the Artists of the Round Table (A.R.T.) Yahoo group. I just always feel like I am behind. Each Sunday the new lesson is posted so in my mind the lessons go from Sunday to Sunday

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I came to update my blog with my latest ATC Workshop lesson, number four, only to find that I never posted my cards from lesson three. Of course, now I remember how the night I had posted them to the A.R.T. Yahoo Group, my internet connection was giving me all sorts of problems. In the end, I lost my connection and never posted it to my blog. So in order to keep things in order (okay, that just sounds weird), I am going to post my lesson three cards in this post and write a separate one for the ones

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